FactSquared in the Media

The first use of our technology was to analyze the executive branch, Donald Trump in particular, on Factba.se, our free, public site. Our data, as of April 24, 2024, has been cited 5,407 times since our launch on January 5, 2017. Below are some of the latest uses of our data freely available on Factba.se. Have a question or need Presidential, Congressional or Earnings data for your story? Drop us a line .

United States
United States
西部數州野火 川普視而不見 推特一字都沒提
World Journal
September 11, 2020
By 樊蕙
United States
United States
紓困政策存漏洞 上市公司搶小公司救命金
World Journal
April 27, 2020
By 林育正