FactSquared in the Media

The first use of our technology was to analyze the executive branch, Donald Trump in particular, on Factba.se, our free, public site. Our data, as of July 27, 2024, has been cited 6,076 times since our launch on January 5, 2017. Below are some of the latest uses of our data freely available on Factba.se. Have a question or need Presidential, Congressional or Earnings data for your story? Drop us a line .

United States
United States
Democrats abandon voting rights as campaign issue after ...
Washington Examiner
May 25, 2022
By Sarah Westwood
United States
United States
Trump's millions from Turkey and the Philippines are corrupt
Washington Examiner
September 28, 2020
By Timothy P. Carney
United States
United States
Trump says his biggest opponent in 2020 is the media. He’s right
Washington Examiner
August 17, 2020
By Becket Adams
United States
United States
Trump breaks record for number of tweets in one day as president
Washington Examiner
January 22, 2020
By Zachary Halaschak
United States
United States
Liberal Media Scream: CNN finds 358 Trump tweet misspellings
Washington Examiner
November 4, 2019
By Paul Bedard